Hi Newport Church Family,

We hope that you have had a faith filled week as we pray and ask God to move in miraculous ways on our behalf!


Faith Comes by Hearing

Last Sunday Ps Biju Thampy brought a powerful message, filled with stories of miracles that he has experienced in his life and ministry in the nation of India.

If you have not heard the message yet, we encourage you to take a moment and watch it on our Newport Church YouTube Channel. Here is a link to the service, you can fast forward to the message, and it will inspire you and fill you with faith!

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Roman Church,

Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. Romans 10:17 NIV

 Let’s do all that we can this month to encourage one another with our own personal stories of God’s miraculous work and intervention in the seemingly impossible situations in our lives and world.

Tomorrow morning I arrive home, after visiting family in Australia for the first time in 3 years, and will be coming straight to church and sharing a message that I am praying will build faith and expectation in our hearts.

We hope to see you there and I will be taking some time in the service to pray for God to touch each one of us and meet us at our point of need with His supernatural power.


Special Miracle Offering on Sunday June 5th

Please pray with us for our annual Miracle Offering, where each one of us has the opportunity to give a special offering over and above our normal donations or tithes.

This is a very important offering for us as a church and we are praying that it will be miraculous seed that multiplies for everyone who participates. 

As we give, and God multiplies our offering, we not only receive the answer to our need for a miracle but we can be the answer to someone else’s cry for a miracle.

We may never go to the slums and streets of Mumbai, but the offering that leaves our hands can go before us and transform a life, a family and a community not just for time but for eternity!

Our prayer has always been that we could be a spiritual and natural storehouse that can provide hope and faith to our community and world.

Let’s pray and consider what we can do, because together we can make a difference that we could never make on our own.

As we have always said about our offerings, it’s not equal giving but equal sacrifice because it’s not the size of our gift that God measures but the size of our personal sacrifice. 

And let’s never forget what Jesus said:

“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Luke 6:38

If you would like to give your normal weekly donations, tithes and offerings or set up recurring giving now, you can do so by clicking this link .

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow, it’s going to be a great day and it won’t be the same without you!

If you would like to invite someone to join us on our live stream you can share this link with them.

Come early for a cup of the best handcrafted coffee you’ll have all week!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Pastor Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors