Hi Newport Church Family,

We hope that you are experiencing God’s presence and favor this week as we pray and believe for miracles this month of May.

Tomorrow is Memorial Day Sunday and we honor those who paid the supreme sacrifice in giving their lives so that we could live with the freedoms we have today.

We remember and honor them as we reflect on Jesus’ words, “greater love has no man than this, than to lay down his life for his friends.”

As we pray for miracles let’s never forget that the greatest miracle of all is that Jesus paid the supreme price when He have His life for us, so that we can know true freedom in and through Him.

Jesus came to make a way for us, so that we might know the truth and the truth would set us free!

May we all live in that freedom, and may you have a happy and blessed Memorial Day weekend with family, friends and church as we gather together this weekend.

Generosity Breakfast Next Saturday June 4th

We want to extend an invitation to everyone in our church to join us for a special Generosity breakfast next Saturday at 9am at the church.

We will be serving breakfast and coffee and sharing how our generosity can make a difference in our church, community and world.

Everyone is welcome! An RSVP is not essential but it would help us to prepare if you could let us know you will be coming by emailing michael.ellmann@newportchurch.com

We hope to see you there, we are believing for miraculous provision for you and for us as a church so that we can be a blessing to others with both natural and spiritual need.


Special Miracle Offering Next Sunday June 5th

Next Sunday we will all have the opportunity to participate in giving our special annual miracle offering.

This is a very important offering for us as a church, and we are praying that it will be a significant miracle offering, so that we can have provision for our vision to be a storehouse that is a hub of hope and faith to our world.

Please pray with us as we consider what we can do, remembering that God measures the size of our gift by the level of our sacrifice. For each one of us that is different and as we have always said, “it’s not equal giving  but equal sacrifice!”

“I tell you the truth, ”Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them.For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.”

Luke 21:3-4 NLT

As we make our own personal sacrifice over and above our normal weekly giving let’s remind God  of what Jesus said!

“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”

Luke 6:38

If you would like to give your donation, tithe or miracle offering now you can do so by clicking this link.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow, it’s going to be a great day and it won’t be the same without you!

If you would like to invite someone to join us on our live stream you can share this link with them.


Come early for a cup of the best handcrafted coffee you’ll have all week!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Pastor Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors