Hi Newport Church Family,

We hope that you are doing well and that fresh faith is rising in your heart, as we pray and believe for Miracles together!
It's been two years ago this week since my precious Mum went to Heaven to be with Jesus and as I think about her I am reminded that Heaven is the greatest miracle of all for every one of us!
As mentioned last week, a much-loved tradition of our church is to write down miracles we are believing for, and every Sunday during the month of May, we will be providing cards for everyone to pen their prayers.
When we believe and ask in faith, we are praying into existence that which is yet to exist.
When Jesus was asked “Help us if you can,” He responded, “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?”  Anything is possible if a person believes."
Jesus went from the heights of the Mount of Transfiguration with Peter, James and John to the despair of the other nine disciples, whose faith was being tested when they could not cure a boy who suffered from sudden fits that made him uncontrollable.
After the heavenly experience on the mountain, Jesus felt the frustration of His work in a world full of human failure. Lack of faith was the reason for the disciples' inability to heal the boy. They didn't need a large amount of faith. They needed the right kind of faith. They needed faith that relied completely upon the unlimited capacity of the all-powerful God. And, of course, the boy was healed by Jesus!
If you ask Google, "How many miracles did Jesus perform during His ministry?" more than 68 million results show that Jesus performed 37 miracles that were recorded in the four Gospels with Mark's Gospel recording the most. It may seem surprising that the Bible records only 37 of these innumerable miracles but the Apostle John writes in John 21:25, "Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written."
Matthew Henry's Commentary expounds on the miracles performed in Jesus' life on earth:

"If it be asked why the gospels are not larger, why they did not make the New Testament history as copious and as long as the Old, it may be answered... It was not because they had exhausted their subject... Everything that Christ said and did was worth our notice... He never spoke an idle word, nor did an idle thing; he never spoke nor did anything mean, or little, or trifling, which is more than can be said of the wisest or best of men. His miracles were many, very many, of many kinds, and the same often repeated, as occasion offered. Every new miracle rendered the report of the former the more credible; and the multitude of them renders the whole report incontestable. When we speak of Christ, we have a copious subject before us; the reality exceeds the report. There were many other things, which were not written because there was no occasion for writing them... It was not possible to write all. It was possible for the Spirit to indite all, but morally impossible for the penmen to pen all. The world could not contain the books... It would be such a large and overgrown history as never was; such as would jostle out all other writings, and leave us no room for them. What volumes would be filled with Christ's prayers, had we the record of all those he made, when he continued all night in prayer to God, without any vain repetitions? ... It was not advisable to write much; for the world, in a moral sense, could not contain the books that should be written. Christ said not what he might have said to his disciples, because they were not able to bear it...; and for the same reason the evangelists wrote not what they might have written. All people's time would have been spent in reading, and other duties would thereby have been crowded out..."

Miraculous Provision

This month as we pray and ask God for miracles in every area of our lives, we are also asking God for miraculous provision in each one of our homes and God’s house.
Every story of God’s miraculous provision in the Bible required the person in need to activate the miracle by providing God with something to work with and multiply.
So as we sow seed we activate the miracle of provision that we are praying for. It’s the seed we sow which determines the harvest we grow!
If you would like to give your normal weekly donations, tithes and offerings or set up recurring giving now, you can do so by clicking here.

Special Miracle Offering on Sunday June 4th

Every year at the end of May we give our annual Miracle Offering, where each one of us has the opportunity to give a special offering over and above our normal donations or tithes.
This is a very important offering for us as a church and we are praying that it will be miraculous seed that multiplies for everyone who participates.
As we give, and God multiplies our offering, we not only receive the answer to our need for a miracle but we can be the answer to someone else’s cry for a miracle.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow, it’s going to be a great day and it won’t be the same without you!
Thank you for your loving faithfulness to the Lord and Newport Church - His Church.
With much LOVE always,
Ps Jonathan and Dianne Wilson