Hi Newport Church Family,

Happy Easter! We pray that your Easter is filled with love, hope and every blessing as we worship together and celebrate with our family and friends.

RESURGAM – I will Rise Again!

During the last months of Jesus’ life He prepared His disciple for the earth shattering events that were about  take place with this promise, “Whatever happens I want you to know, I will Rise Again!”

As the disciples witnessed Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane in the early hours of the morning, and His trial, scourging and crucifixion that followed, it was almost impossible to see how anything good could come out of such devastating events.

Yet in the midst of their inner turmoil, as they watched these most horrific events unfold, the words that Jesus had said to them never left them.

Their struggle was one that we are all familiar with, they could not reconcile what Jesus had said with what they saw with their own eyes.

It was only after the tragedy of Jesus’ crucifixion on the first day, the heart wrenching dismay of Jesus’ body lying lifeless in the tomb on the second day, that the disciples were finally were able to see on the third day what Jesus Himself had promised them.

As the realization of the fulfillment of Jesus promise dawned on them, they excitedly ran to each other with the news, “He is Risen!….We have seen Him with our own eyes. Now we understand what Jesus was trying to tell us as He set His face towards Jerusalem, saying “I must go to Jerusalem and suffer at the hands of the chief priests and elders, be crucified and rise again on the third day!”

Jesus’ promise and their experience which had seemed so far apart were finally reconciled and aligned.

This Easter we can once again reflect on the words of Jesus, “I will Rise Again,” as they relate to our lives and current experience.

Whatever promises of God that we are believing for which are yet to be realized, Jesus promised not only that He would rise again but that we would know his resurrection power in our lives.

Whatever has gone wrong, whatever is broken, whatever has been lost, whatever needs healing, whatever may have fallen into disrepair, whatever needs to be resurrected, Jesus’ promise to us is that “RESURGAM” can be our declaration.

We will Rise Again because Jesus Rose Again and because the same Resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us!

I read this story some years ago which powerfully illustrates the reality of this for each one of us.


The Old Stone Church that Rose Again

The stone church, built centuries before, stood at the center of a small, peaceful community. They never expected it, but the day came when war entered that city.

Buildings and homes were struck down as citizens waited for the night to pass. The beloved church suffered mightily and became a roofless shell, its sanctuary destroyed.

In the darkest hour, the headmistress, moved by what she saw, nailed a piece of wood with the Latin word Resurgam over the north door. Resurgam, meaning “I will rise again” became a beacon of hope for the church and its city during the black days of war.

Resurgam was just a word, but it represented the birth of a new day to the community as they began rebuilding the bombed and fire-wrecked church.

The choir box sprouted with geraniums. Breezes blew through windows with shattered panes, while slowly….the church rose like a phoenix from the ashes.

Today it stands tall. The early morning sun slowly climbing up the walls. It’s story told not just in the history books, but in every brick re-laid, every stained glass window repaired, and of course the old wooden sign bearing the hand carved declaration – Resurgam.

It’s a reminder for us all…That in our darkest hour, there is a promise for our  future.

Though our lives lay broken, with seemingly no hope for tomorrow…There is a Savior.  One who promises a new day. A new beginning. . One who can put the pieces back together. His name is Jesus. Resurgam was his cry….”I will rise again”.

He not only promised it, but he delivered on it, and today He lives.

His story told not just in the history books, but in every life made new, every body healed, every relationship restored.

Today we declare that truth in His name. Resurgam. I will rise again!

Let’s make RESURGAM our declaration of faith his Easter and see God’s Spirt at work in every area of our lives and church as we Rise Again!


Our Invitation to our World – Good Friday 7pm, Easter Sunday 10am

Let’s do everything we can to invite as many people as we can to join us for our Good Friday and Easter Sunday Services,

It’s not too late and your invitation may just be the very thing that changes the trajectory of their lives and the course of their eternal destiny!

Here is an image to a digital invitation that you can text to those you are inviting.

We are praying and believing that they will have a powerful encounter with Jesus!


The Greatest Gift of All

God gave us the greatest gift of all by sending His Son Jesus, who gave Himself for us as a perfect sacrifice and offering.


For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ. 2 Cor 5:21


I will never forget how the realization of those words transformed my life forever because someone took the time to invite and take me to church, others gave their finance that made it possible for the church to be there and then those who gave their talents to serve in God’s house. 

Let’s do for others what others have done for us so that our world can know the true hope of Easter through our generosity.

If you would like to give your donation, tithe or offering now, you can do so by clicking here.


We can’t wait to see you tonight at 7pm and on Easter Sunday at 10am!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Pastor Jonathan & Dianne Wilson

Senior Pastors