Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that you are in good health and spirit.


Palm Sunday 

Tomorrow we celebrate the day when Jesus rode triumphantly into Jerusalem marking the beginning of the week of His Passion.

As He entered Jerusalem, Jesus paved the way, in the most extraordinary way, for each one of us to know His forgiveness, love and resurrection life. 

The Crowds lined the streets, throwing their robes in the path Jesus’ donkey, waved palm branches and shouted “Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”

Hosanna means, “Lord save us!” The crowd were proclaiming and asking Jesus to do exactly what He came to do but in a very different way to their expectation.

The mystery of the Passion was beginning to play out in a week of the most extreme contrasts of highs and lows, elation and deflation, devastation and ultimate triumph.

As we reflect on each one of these moments of Jesus’ journey we can draw inspiration and strength from God, knowing that Jesus identifies with the full range of our human experience.

Let’s gather together this Sunday in the same way as the crowds gathered to hail Jesus and proclaim Him as King.

And let’s make the most of the opportunity we have to invite all those in our world to join us for our Easter services.

Good Friday and Easter Sunday  

On Friday we will be celebrating the day that Jesus carried our cross to Calvary and paid the penalty for our sins once and for all.

We have a special one hour worship and communion service at 7pm and we would love to have you join us as we break bread together.

For any further information about all that is coming up in the life of the church or for ways that you can give your time, talent or treasure, please click here.

Let’s pray and believe God together that this Easter will be a time of great breakthrough and blessing.

We can’t wait to see you tomorrow and celebrate Easter together in person or online!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Pastor Jonathan & Dianne Wilson

Senior Pastors