Hi Newport Church Family,

We pray that you are in good spirit and health and are filled with fresh faith and hope as we embark on the Journey of Easter together.


The Journey of Easter

Next Sunday we celebrate the most significant week in human history, which began with Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and culminated in His crucifixion and resurrection.

Jesus invited His disciples to follow Him not only on His triumphant journey into Jerusalem but also down the lonely road to the cross and finally to the empty tomb, where He demonstrated His victory over sin and death.

Jesus’ disciples experienced the full breadth of human emotion in that last week, from the elation of Palm Sunday, when Jesus was hailed by the crowds as King and Messiah, to the depths of despair as they watched the one in whom they had placed all of their hopes, hanging on a cross outside the walls of Jerusalem. 

As we approach Easter, Jesus invites us once again to journey with Him, to reflect on His sacrificial death, His promise to Rise Again, “RESURGAM” and the ultimate triumph of His resurrection..

Whatever situation or experience we find ourselves in, Jesus promises that we can rise again and we can experience new life and hope because He turned the tragedy of the cross into the triumph of His resurrection.

This is the overarching theme of Easter; just as Christ was raised from the dead, so we can rise up and walk in newness of life!


 The Invitation to Receive New Life

This Easter we have the opportunity once again to invite our family and friends to come and experience the power and reality of this new life we have in Christ.

Let’s do all that we can to extend an invitation to those in our world in these next two weeks because so many in our city and beyond have yet to receive new life, hope and purpose through an authentic encounter with Jesus.

This Sunday I will be continuing our series, “The Invitation,” and we pray that this will inspire each one of us to go out into the highways and byways of our world and bring all those who are willing to come to God’s house, to receive the gift of God’s eternal love and grace.

For any further information about all that is coming up in the life of the church or for ways that you can give your time, talent or treasure, please click here.

We look forward to seeing you in person or online this Sunday at 10am, it won’t be the same without you.

Come early for a cup of one of the best handcrafted coffees in town! We love and appreciate you all greatly.

See you tomorrow!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Pastor Jonathan & Dianne Wilson

Senior Pastors