Hi Newport Church Family,

We pray that you are in good health and spirit and have been experiencing God’s grace and favor this week.

What a great month May has been as we have prayed and believed together for miracles.

If you have a miracle story please email it to us at more@newportchurch.com we would love to hear from you so that we can encourage others with your story.

Where’s the Miracle?

This Sunday we will conclude our Miracle May focus with the final message in my series, “Where’s the Miracle?,” as we give our annual Miracle Offering.

Please pray with us that our Miracle Offering will be significant and that it will resource our church with supernatural provision as we move into this next season. 

The Miracle is in the Seed 

As we prepare our hearts, for our miracle offering, I am reminded of the powerful truth that the miracle of new life and multiplication is found in every seed.

Within every seed lies the potential for a miraculous harvest! 

One of my earliest memories was a drive to the Cedars of Lebanon, as a five-year-old, when we were living in Beirut.

I will never forget the magnificence of those towering trees with their wide branches spread high against the blue sky and their huge trunks surrounded by the winter snow.

Several decades later, as an adult, I revisited the Cedars of Lebanon and saw those same trees still standing, strong and tall, magnificent symbols of strength, majesty, stability, and longevity. Some are so old that they date back 3,000 years to the days of King Solomon.

Every one of those majestic trees began with a seed that multiplied to create a spectacular forest of Cedars.

That is the potential and miracle that lies within every seed! 

The writer of Psalm 92 wrote:

The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing

We can grow like the Cedars of Lebanon because we know that when we are planted we will flourish and when we sow we will bear fruit! 

As we sow the seed of our Miracle Offering, let’s ask God to do what he promised to do, which is to multiply the seed we sow.

Let’s remember that Jesus said, the measure we give determines the measure that we receive, and that God measures our giving by the level of our sacrifice not the size of our gift.

And let’s never forget that we can be the answer to someone else’s miracle through our giving, just as we have been the beneficiaries of the sacrificial giving of others.

May God supernaturally multiply the seed we sow and bring new life and blessing to many!

If you are not able to be with us on Sunday or would like to give now you can do so by clicking this link

Generosity Breakfast - Tomorrow Saturday 4th June 9-11 am

We would love to have you join us for our Generosity Breakfast tomorrow morning. We will be serving great breakfast and coffee while we share our vision for this next season and the difference that our generosity can make in our church, community, and world.

Everyone is welcome, we have a kids program and you can RSVP by emailing us at more@newportchurch.com

First Tuesday – 7th June at 7pm

A reminder that next Tuesday is the first Tuesday of the month when all of our Life Groups, Teams, Volunteers, and church gather together for a time of connection, encouragement, and training. It’s going to be a great evening together, everyone is welcome and we hope you can come.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at our Generosity Breakfast and for our Sunday service, it’s going to be a great weekend and it won’t be the same without you!

If you would like to invite someone to join us on our live stream you can share this link with them.

Come early for a cup of the best hand-crafted coffee you’ll have all week!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan and Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors